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Facility Sanitized 

Deep Disinfecting

Floor Mopping

Floor Vacuuming

General Cleaning

Wiping & Dusting

Restroom Cleaning

Trash Disposal

Performance Verification & Inspection

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Performance Evaluation, Reporting and Bonus Pay

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How Our Process Works

CONSULTATION - Our team of cleaning professionals will visit your sites to determine the current state of cleanliness. Based on a service quality checklist, they create a deep cleaning plan to establish a baseline for future servicing. They also outline the daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance routine for the upcoming year.

DEEP CLEAN - The deep clean is the first step in establishing a routine of daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly maintenance. It sets the stage for maintaining the sanitation of your buildings and properties over the long term. Depending on how your properties are used, we'll schedule additional deep cleans quarterly, biannually, or yearly.

ROUTINE SERVICE - Your fully customized maintenance plan begins right away. Our cleaners will arrive to your facility ready to implement our 4-point visibility cleaning system.

QUALITY INSPECTIONS - Quality Inspectors continuously monitor our cleaning teams to ensure the plan continues to meet your needs, and modify the plan to accommodate changes to building demands and use. While inside your facility, the quality inspector will measure the performance of the cleaning crew and report the results back to the operations manager. It is common for an Operations Managers to do a separate inspection of your facility as well.


SERVICE QUALITY REPORTING - You will receive quarterly reports identifying the level of service we’ve provided. This report will include performance measurements, countermeasures, and your provided feedback during the quarter.

CLIENT FEEDBACK - Your voice matters to us. A Quality Manager will reach out to you at least once a month to hear your thoughts about the services we provided. That feedback will be reflected in paychecks throughout our entire organization because we are all on a pay for performance plan.

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